_SECTION_BEGIN("TF Best SuperTrend AFL");
SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowArrows | chartShowDates );
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor( "Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle( "Style" ) | GetPriceStyle() );
SetBarsRequired( 100000, 0 );
atr2 = Param( "ATR1 Factor", 3, 1, 5, 0.1 );
per2 = Param( "ATR1 Period", 8, 3, 100, 1 );
atr1 = Param( "ATR2 Factor", 5, 1, 20, 0.1 );
per1 = Param( "ATR2 Period", 8, 3, 100, 1 );
SetPositionSize( 1, spsShares );
UpBand1 = ( H + L ) / 2 + ( atr1 * ATR( per1 ) );
DnBand1 = ( H + L ) / 2 - ( atr1 * ATR( per1 ) );
indi1 = ATR( per1 );
RessArray = SuppArray = Null;
trend[0] = 1;
changeOfTrend = 0;
flag = flagh = 0;
UpBand2 = ( H + L ) / 2 + ( atr2 * ATR( per2 ) );
DnBand2 = ( H + L ) / 2 - ( atr2 * ATR( per2 ) );
indi2 = ATR( per2 );
RessArray2 = SuppArray2 = Null;
trend2[0] = 1;
changeOfTrend2 = 0;
flag2 = flagh2 = 0;
for ( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )
trend[i] = 1;
trend2[i] = 1;
if ( Close[i] > UpBand1[i-1] )
trend[i] = 1;
if ( trend[i-1] == -1 )
changeOfTrend = 1;
if ( Close[i] < DnBand1[i-1] )
trend[i] = -1;
if ( trend[i-1] == 1 )
changeOfTrend = 1;
if ( trend[i-1] == 1 )
trend[i] = 1;
changeOfTrend = 0;
if ( trend[i-1] == -1 )
trend[i] = -1;
changeOfTrend = 0;
if ( Close[i] > UpBand2[i-1] )
trend2[i] = 1;
if ( trend2[i-1] == -1 )
changeOfTrend2 = 1;
if ( Close[i] < DnBand2[i-1] )
trend2[i] = -1;
if ( trend2[i-1] == 1 )
changeOfTrend2 = 1;
if ( trend2[i-1] == 1 )
trend2[i] = 1;
changeOfTrend2 = 0;
if ( trend2[i-1] == -1 )
trend2[i] = -1;
changeOfTrend2 = 0;
if ( trend[i] < 0 && trend[i-1] > 0 )
flag = 1;
flag = 0;
if ( trend[i] > 0 && trend[i-1] < 0 )
flagh = 1;
flagh = 0;
if ( trend[i] > 0 && DnBand1[i] < DnBand1[i-1] )
DnBand1[i] = DnBand1[i-1];
if ( trend[i] < 0 && UpBand1[i] > UpBand1[i-1] )
UpBand1[i] = UpBand1[i-1];
if ( flag == 1 )
UpBand1[i] = ( H[i] + L[i] ) / 2 + ( atr1 * indi1[i] );;
if ( flagh == 1 )
DnBand1[i] = ( H[i] + L[i] ) / 2 - ( atr1 * indi1[i] );;
if ( trend2[i] < 0 && trend2[i-1] > 0 )
flag2 = 1;
flag2 = 0;
if ( trend2[i] > 0 && trend2[i-1] < 0 )
flagh2 = 1;
flagh2 = 0;
if ( trend2[i] > 0 && DnBand2[i] < DnBand2[i-1] )
DnBand2[i] = DnBand2[i-1];
if ( trend2[i] < 0 && UpBand2[i] > UpBand2[i-1] )
UpBand2[i] = UpBand2[i-1];
if ( flag2 == 1 )
UpBand2[i] = ( H[i] + L[i] ) / 2 + ( atr2 * indi2[i] );
if ( flagh2 == 1 )
DnBand2[i] = ( H[i] + L[i] ) / 2 - ( atr2 * indi2[i] );
if ( trend[i] == 1 )
RessArray[i] = DnBand1[i];
if ( changeOfTrend == 1 )
RessArray[i-1] = SuppArray[i-1];
changeOfTrend = 0;
if ( trend[i] == -1 )
SuppArray[i] = UpBand1[i];
if ( changeOfTrend == 1 )
SuppArray[i-1] = RessArray[i-1];
changeOfTrend = 0;
if ( trend2[i] == 1 )
RessArray2[i] = DnBand2[i];
if ( changeOfTrend2 == 1 )
RessArray2[i-1] = SuppArray2[i-1];
changeOfTrend2 = 0;
if ( trend2[i] == -1 )
SuppArray2[i] = UpBand2[i];
if ( changeOfTrend2 == 1 )
SuppArray2[i-1] = RessArray2[i-1];
changeOfTrend2 = 0;
prevH = TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inDaily, -1 );
prevL = TimeFrameGetPrice( "L", inDaily, -1 );
Cond01 = 1;//H<PrevH;
Cond02 = 1;//L>PrevL;
Buy1 = Cross( O, Ref( RessArray, -1 ) ) AND Ref( RessArray, -1 ) > 0;
Sell1 = Cross( Ref( SuppArray, -1 ), O ) AND Ref( SuppArray, -1 ) > 0;
Buy = Buy1 AND Cond02;
Sell = ( Ref( SuppArray2, -1 ) > O AND Ref( SuppArray2, -1 ) > 0 );
Buy = ExRem( Buy, Sell );
Sell = ExRem( Sell, Buy );
Short = Sell1 AND Cond01;
Cover = ( O > Ref( RessArray2, -1 ) AND Ref( RessArray2, -1 ) > 0 ) ;
Short = ExRem( Short, Cover );
Cover = ExRem( Cover, Short );
Plot( RessArray, "First Support", ParamColor("Res1 col",colorBlue ) );
Plot( SuppArray, "First Resistance", ParamColor("Sup1 col",colorPink) );
Plot( RessArray2, "Second Support", ParamColor("Res2 col",colorGreen) );
Plot( SuppArray2, "Second Resistance", ParamColor("Sup2 col",colorRed) );
Title = NumToStr( DateTime(), formatDateTime ) + " O " + O + " H " + H + " L " + L + " C " + C +
"\nFirst Support: " + RessArray + " First Resistance: " + SuppArray + " Second Support: " + RessArray2 + " Second Resistance " + SuppArray2;
//PlotShapes( IIf( Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone ), colorGreen, 0, L, Offset = -40 );
//PlotShapes( IIf( Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone ), colorLime, 0, L, Offset = -50 );
//PlotShapes( IIf( Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone ), colorWhite, 0, L, Offset = -45 );
//PlotShapes( IIf( Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ), colorRed, 0, H, Offset = -45 );
//PlotShapes( IIf( Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone ), colorRed, 0, H, Offset = 40 );
//PlotShapes( IIf( Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone ), colorOrange, 0, H, Offset = 50 );
//PlotShapes( IIf( Short, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ), colorWhite, 0, H, Offset = -45 );
//PlotShapes( IIf( Cover, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone ), colorBlue, 0, L, Offset = -45 );
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